Thursday, 24 April 2008

First Choice

Here we go. I've just had notification of an interview in the middle of May with my first choice university, in the Midlands. I have to say it truly is my number one choice to do PGCE, particularly as my other half (let's call her Titania) lives in the same city and it would be convenient for both of us if we moved in together, particularly as we currently live about a 100 miles from each other.

At first I was excited at receiving the letter, but now I've gone to pieces. They want to see my GCSE and A-Level certificates, for example. The other stuff, like preparing a five minute presentation, is I feel no problem, at the moment.

The certificates are a problem however, as I no longer have them. Being quite a mature student (I'm guessing probably a bit older than the average PGCE applicant, mayhap; time will tell) I have moved about a bit, and even lived in foreign climes, and along the way, things like that get mislaid.

I appreciate it is so that they know I'm not just blagging my way in, but wouldn't a simple phone call to the exam boards suffice to confirm that Ol' Nick got the results he said he did?

I also have to now swing it with my boss in the abysmal office where I labour to get some time off to attend said interview, as well as finally spending some time in a school (yes I know, you'll be asking "why haven't I done that already?" but it's not easy doing a full time job as well as applying to do PGCE, you know). The trouble is, I've used up all my holiday time at work already until the end of June, so I'll have to beg to be permitted to have time off unpaid.

This PGCE lark ain't easy (Yes, I know if I become an English teacher, I'll have to stop using bad English such as "ain't", but hey, I'm not there yet).


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